Saturday, April 18, 2015

NRT ANA Suite Lounge Satellite 5

When you are having fun, time really flies by.

Here are the other entries associated with this trip report.
Ch 1: LAX First Class/Business Class Star Alliance Lounge
Ch 2: NH5 LAX-NRT The ANA First Square Experience
Ch 3: Seven Nights at the Conrad Tokyo
Ch 4: NRT ANA Suite Lounge Satellite 5
Ch 5: NH6 NRT-LAX The Second ANA First Square (JA732A)

Let's continue!

Before we knew it our time in Japan was ending. We made some great friends and even ended up doing drunken karaoke at a 747 themed karaoke club. Not kidding.

747 Themed Karaoke Club Wet Towels
The rest of the photos that night were too drunken for the internet.

BT, CB, and I arrived at NRT and had no idea where to go. I had never flown out of NRT in first class before. I knew there was some special check in for ANA suites. We ran up and down the aisles until I asked someone for help. The kind lady directed us to "Aisle Z," which is the dedicated check in area for ANA suites class. 

ANA Suites and Diamond Member Check In
It's essentially an enclosure within the building with its own dedicated security check attached.

ANA Suites and Diamond Members Only!

Upon walking in to the check-in you are hit with a wave of lavender, the signature scent of ANA first. ANA group of female ANA staff immediately greeted us with oshibori (wet towel) and ushered us over to a counter to check in.

Japanese efficiency and customer service is so good that yet again I had no idea what was going on and before I knew it I was going through security. All we managed to do was snap a few photos. I just remember the experience being really pleasant. I hope I can go through there again to take in more of it. 

ANA Suite Check In

ANA Suite Check In Counters

ANA Suite Check In Seating and Counters
The dedicated security was quick since we were the only ones there. Then we went over to the ANA Suite Lounge which is located up some escalators.

ANA Suite Lounge Entrance
The ladies checked our boarding passes and directed us to the right side entrance to the first class lounge. Business class lounge was to the left.

ANA Suite Lounge Entrance
Upon entering we were immediately greeted by staff and they directed us to a window side seating area that had a good view of the airfield. Unfortunately the weather wasn't too good and it had started to rain. It seemed fitting for our mood. We seriously didn't want our vacation to end.

The server took our drink orders once we settled in. I ordered a cold green tea which was promptly delivered along with another oshibori. 

Thai Airways A380 at NRT

The lounge had a nice spread of food and it was more than any US domestic carrier would have at their home base lounges. What I really liked was that the servings were small. This allows you to sample everything!

Congee with traditional garnishes


Cold options

View of Food Area

I decided it would be good to take a shower before my flight since I was planning to just eat and go to sleep on the plane. I talked to the staff about a shower. The girl was a bit shocked that I could speak Japanese. She radioed the shower staff and told me that it was currently full but that she would come find me once a spot opened up. 

In the mean time I wanted around the lounge some more and found my hidden gem: THE NOODLE BAR
Not only that they also had tan tan men which is one of my most favorite noodle dishes in the world. I had to order it. Kaiseki on the plane be damned. I placed my order and got a token. I waited nearby the noodle lounge for my order to be called and noticed I was standing next to a fridge of ice cream. 

It was then that I cursed the limited size of my stomach. 

Out of nowhere the lounge girl I spoke to about the shower interrupted my thoughts and said (in Japanese), "Your shower room is ready."

"Already? But but I just ordered some tan tan men!"

"Oh in that case would you like to eat first or shower first?"

"Uhhh. I guess I'll shower first. But what will I do about my order?"

"I'll take care of it. Just give me the token and I will have it freshly prepared for you when you finish your shower."

I went and took my first ever lounge shower which I enjoyed. I was a bit worried about the time constraint but I figured what are they going to do? Kick me out? The Shiseido toiletries (for first class only) were lovely and of course I used those over the packets given in the basket. I took the leftovers home with me. 

I got back to the lounge and sat down. 
Within a few seconds the girl I was working with brought my noodles to me. How the heck did she know?? Have I mentioned how amazing Japanese customer service is yet?

Glorious ANA tan tan men
The noodles were pretty darn spicy for me but I seriously enjoyed it. Then I ate a little bit of ice cream afterwards. I temporarily forgot that I was sad to be leaving Japan until our boarding announcement came.

We quietly packed up our belongings and made our way to the gate...

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