Saturday, April 18, 2015

NH6 NRT-LAX The Second ANA First Square (JA732A)

This was a hard post to write because it meant reliving the sadness of a vacation coming to an end.
Yes we were flying on ANA Square again, but we really had a hard time leaving Tokyo. I've been to Japan about seven times now and I have so much fun each time. This time was no different. We got to go to new places and make some amazing new friends which made it especially hard to leave.

We got to the gate and saw a massive crowd. Boarding had not started yet. If you may recall my NH5 experience, we were literally the last to board. I was actually quite interested to see what being the first to board would be like this time.

Gate 57 Just Prior to Boarding

Pretty soon they called for First class and ANA Diamond member boarding. Everyone else had to stand to the side to watch us board. It was a little bit embarrassing because people always have these looks of, "Who are you??"

We quickly made our way to our seats (1K and 2K) on JA732A. 

SpeedbirdHD's Seat for this Flight
We were greeted with pajamas, amenity kit, amenity basket, and our slippers. I changed in to my pajamas right away. I went back to my seat where pursor after pursor introduced themselves to us. 
Obligatory ANA Rimowa Amenity Kit shot with Pre-Departure Beverage

The business class pursor chatted with us a little bit longer. I think she was surprised to encounter Americans that could speak Japanese with her. We had a good laugh about some Japanese celebrities that we both liked. She was highly amused that I liked Matsumoto Jun.

After all the introductions and gifts I sat down and I looked out at the gray sky. I sighed right as we started our push back.

As a plane nut/avgeek I was really really sad that I was leaving Japan and I could not see JA801A (the first ANA 787-8) in person. I waited at HND for two afternoons hoping that I would catch a glimpse of it. Now I was leaving and staring out at the taxiway just to catch my last glimpses of Japan before I left. And as luck would have it...

My Glimpse of JA801A
I shouted at BT to look out the window and see what I saw. He knew I had been trying to spot that plane the whole time I was there. All I could get was this photo while we taxied by it but I will take what I can get. There is some mercy in the avgeek world after all. 

We took off and service started after 10,000 ft. This flight was a few hours shorter than NH5 so overall the service felt more rushed. However it was still executed well with nothing missed. It started with the usual oshibori followed by a post takeoff drink. 

I ordered some green tea and was pleasantly surprised to be given an entire kettle. I didn't have that on NH5 despite how much green tea I kept on ordering. Midway through my tea Ms. Honda came to take my order. I told her I would start with the caviar, go zensai through shusai on the kaiseki course, and finish on the ice cream dessert. She asked I would like to drink some Krug Grande Cuvee with my dinner. 

You never refuse Krug even if you end up drinking it with green tea. 

Krug and Green Tea

The amuse bouche came first. This one consisted of loquat-like jellied foie-gra mousse, yuba bean curd aspic with wasabi-flavored oil and trout roe, mixed parmesean cheese and dried sour cherry rolled with uncured Kyou-gamo, duck ham, smoked and dried salmon trout, and yuzu-citron flavored cheese bar. Delicious? You bet.


This was followed by the caviar dish with traditional garnishes.

Caviar with Traditional Garnishes

Caviar close up
Then the sakizuke, zensai, owan, otsukuri, takiawase, kobachi, and the shusai came out.

People have told me that the Japanese food out of Japan would be superb. (Of course!) I wasn't disappointed at all. The sashimi was better than on NH5 and the food just that much more tasty. 10/10 would try again. Haha!

BT also decided to have some 21 year Hibiki with dessert. 

Suntory whisky!

Cherry roll cake

I visited a friend in economy class and went back to my seat to drown my sorrows in Krug. Since we were arriving back in LAX in the morning time I wanted to try and catch a leg up on jet lag by sleeping as much as possible on the plane. I slept for a majority of the flight. There was quite a lot of turbulence but I found it comforting. It's like being rocked to sleep! Note to self: This method does not help abate jet lag.

Again I was able to have a separate seat be converted in to my bed. Zzzz...

Almost back to LAX...Why?!

BT actually had to wake me up to make sure I would have time to change out of my pajamas and have breakfast. 

Ms. Honda came around and asked if I would like anything to drink. I ordered a cold green tea just to snap myself awake.

Cold Green Tea. ANA logo must face you!
I also told Ms. Honda that I would be ready for my Japanese breakfast. For some reason this was all super good again. SO FRIGGIN DELICIOUS.

Petite Japanese Course, Pre-Arrival

Shusai: Grilled dried mackerel with sweet sake and soy-based sauce

This was probably my most favorite meal. When I was done, Ms. Honda cleared my table. One of the other CAs brought out a full plate of fruit afterwards. I didn't even think to order it but it was super refreshing to have. 

Fruit plate

Pretty soon we began our final descent in to LAX. We landed on the usual 24R. When we touched down a wave of sadness hit me again when I remembered that I was going back to work tomorrow.

At the TBIT gate we were greeted by the local ANA ground staff who welcomed us back. The CAs discreetly blocked all other exits so that First class could disembark first. They waved us off with smiles and thank yous and bows. Can I just fly back to Tokyo instead? 

We were given our own escort through immigration and baggage claim. I don't know why but ANA sent the smallest staffer they could to escort us. She must have been half my size. I declined when she asked to carry my bags. I just felt bad because it wasn't that necessary given that we both have Global Entry. But I thank you for the gesture anyways ANA LAX! 

After the order and cleanliness of Japan it was really hard to come back to the chaos and grime that is LAX. I stood on the curb waiting for a shuttle watching people yell and honk at each other.
Despite the beautiful weather I felt beside myself. 

Thank you again to my friends, ANA, Tokyo, Conrad Tokyo, and the Japanese people for giving me another wonderful vacation in Japan. I hope to return again soon.

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