Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"Can I switch seats to sit with my friend?" - SFO-LAX in Seat 1E

I was recently on UA1247 SFO-LAX on a Boeing 737-900. BT and I had somehow managed to score a free upgrade to First due to my premier status with the airline. Unfortunately we ended up sitting separately with me sitting in 1E and him sitting in 3A.

Not sure where I got this photo

We boarded in Group 1 along with everyone else in First or platinum status and above. I got to my seat and sat down as BT went to his seat. My seat mate, Mr. 1F, soon arrived as Sheila the flight attendant came to introduce herself.
"Hi my name is Sheila. I apologize that we only have a snack basket available for today's flight. Would you like a beverage?"
I ordered a club soda with some lime. Mr 1F declined his beverage and quickly fell asleep.

Two men saw each other in line and turns out they were buddies that didn't know they were going to be on the same flight. We'll call them Fred and Ted. Fred had seat 1A.
Ted had seat 3B but seated himself in 1B until Ms. Blonde, who was really supposed to sit in that seat showed up.
"Can I switch seats with you so that I can sit with my friend? I'm in seat 3B. Not too far." asked Ted.
"Uhm..sure," replies Ms. Blonde as she continues to walk. It did cross my mind to ask Ms. Blonde to switch with me so that I could sit with BT but then I didn't want to bother her with asking her to move twice.

BT and I were messaging while the rest of the plane boarded. Then it started. Mr. 1F had put his feet up near the magazine rack as he continued to try and sleep. Not only that Fred started to do the same too. It is one of my ultimate pet peeves to see people put their feet on furniture.
I messaged BT, "OMG. People are putting their feet up on the bulkhead. How rude and disgusting!"

He messaged me back with a little story of his own, "An old guy seated in economy put his carryon in the overhead bin in first class. He didn't even have good enough vision to see the row plaque and had to ask someone! Ms. Blonde next to me looked at me in horror." Sadly this happens. I have even had to do it once when I boarded only to find that other people had put all their bags in the bin over my seat. I ended up putting my bag in F as it was the only space available near my seat. Anyways I digress.

BT loves to wear airline related shirts. He happened to be wearing a Virgin Atlantic 747-400 flight crew polo shirt. Ms Blonde noticed and asked him if he was a part of the flight crew.
"No it's just a shirt," he responded.
You should see the reaction he gets when he wears my company's shirts.

Boarding finished after a few games of Tsum Tsum and sipping my limey club soda. We taxied out from Terminal 7 and turned right. That was when I knew we were heading for Runway 24L all the way on the other side of the airport. *cough* Ted and Fred were having such a blast catching up that they hardly noticed that our time driving around the airport was adding up.

And then we sat for 10 minutes right behind TBIT because, "of an ATC delay at SFO due to traffic." LIES! *cough*BT*cough* While we were waiting Mr. 1F was squirming in his seat and his feet kept on getting higher and higher until they were at my eye level. Thankfully it wasn't smelly but just the sight of it made me feel gross. Perhaps his feet were anxious to get off the ground?

We started our takeoff roll down the runway with Mr 1F's feet as high as they could be.

Once service started I ordered water with a lime. Yay glass cup time. At some point Mr. 1F put his feet back down and continued to nap. I was enjoying my time reading my book until Mr 1F woke up, took off his shoes, and started putting his feet up on the bulkhead again. A snack basket was passed around and I took a bag of cheddar flavored popcorn. Looking back it wasn't the greatest idea to eat cheddar flavored popcorn next to a guy with his socked feet creeping up towards the overhead bins next to me.

Fred and Ted meanwhile were still chatting it up. Ted then whipped out a burrito I didn't notice he had (No silly, an actual burrito) and started eating it with a fork and knife and giggling to Fred about something. Fred meanwhile had also put his feet up against the bulkhead but not nearly as high as Mr. 1F.

BT came over to check on me.
"Hey how are you doing?"
I had already stopped reading and was just staring straight ahead towards the galley or taking occasional glances at Fred artfully eating his burrito.
"I hate my seatmate. But how are you doing?" I whispered.
"Great! I've had three shots already!" he answered. At least one of us was having a good time.

As we started our descent in to SFO, Fred and Ted asked Sheila to snap a photo of them.
"Did you guys just meet or something?" she asked.
"No! We're friends but we didn't know we would be on the same flight!" answers Fred.
"I see. Ohh that's a good one," Sheila says as she snaps the last photo of them.

A few minutes later I see Fred and Ted snapping a few selfies together to instagram it.

Mr. 1F had completed his nap by the time we made our final turn towards SFO. His shoes were back on and his feet were firmly planted on the ground. I sighed and looked out towards the window as the runway lights came in to view.

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