Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Guadalajara, Mexico - A New Dot on my Travel Map

B and I went to Guadaljara, Mexico about a month ago. To be completely honest, we were initially apprehensive to go. We were worried about our safety due to all of the drug wars going on. In the end we were surprised at how much fun we had and the genuine hospitality of the Mexican people. The only regret would have been to not go.

Of course it does help that we had locals to bring us around. I hope that they will visit us in the US again soon so that we may return some of the hospitality.
Mi casa es su casa

Our first night there the Ibarras brought us to eat tacos. It was super late at night and we were tired but the food was just delicious. I was kicking myself for feeling so full coming off the plane. I would have preferred to eat more tacos. You wouldn't believe the look on the waiter's face when we told him that I don't want cilantro on my taco. CILANTRO IS EVIL.

Mmmm yesssss. Or ssssiiiiii
Corona tastes different in Mexico

The next day we woke up early to go be tourists by taking the El Tapatio tour. It's a bus that stops at various places throughout the city. You can get on and off as you please.
Guadalajara Cathedral

Fresh orange juice with fizzy water

All aboard the tour bus!

Our first stop we randomly got off at the Mexican military museum. The backyard featured a lot of old planes from the Mexican air force. It was a pretty cool museum that had displays starting from the indigenous tribes and chronicled armed forces all the way through modern times.

Trainer plane

The next stop on the bus was a bit away from the city center in Tlaquepaque. I love saying Tlaquepaque. It just rolls right off the tongue. In Tlaquepaque we were ushered into a van and brought to a tequila distillery for a factory tour and tasting. Of course you have to drink tequila while in Mexico.

Choose all.
After we returned to the main area of Tlaquepaque we went to a square where there was a musical and acrobatic performance going on. This went well with the agave beer as we did some shopping.


Agave beer
It had gotten pretty hot by mid afternoon and we were tired from the heat and all the walking. We went to a very popular restaurant where I had probably my most favorite cocktail ever. It was some ice water, grapefruit, orange, and lime with three shots of tequila. You squirt the fruit juices and throw in the tequila. The result is pure refreshing deliciousness. 

Best ever

The next day MI brought us to her favorite Mexican buffet. Naturally it was full of awesome deliciousness.

Real guacamole

Most glorious bowl of carne asada

Cactus leaves!
They also told the restaurant that it was my birthday because you get a cake and a special little dream catcher. Each person at the table also gives well wishes to the birthday person. I also got serenaded by a violin. 

Happy birthday to me (sorta) !

Did you know Mexico also has great seafood? I didn't. 
This is also where I met who is probably the only Mexican to not like cilantro. He was the manager of this seafood establishment. :)

Nom nom nom

That night there was a lot of rain and wind followed by some very loud thunder and lightning. We ended up having a late delivery dinner. The highlight was the beef soup with bacon. Because every soup needs protein garnished with protein.  

Ibarra bowl of soup!
And so our trip came to an end. We were truly surprised at how nice things were in Mexico. Forget about what you see on TV because that is not what all of Mexico is like. Sure there are the bad parts but what country doesn't have bad parts? It's a humbling experience to learn that you have been so influenced by American media to almost not want to experience such a trip.

If it helps, flying to Mexico usually means being upgraded to first class.

Takeoff from GDL

Dinner is served, GDL - IAH

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