Tuesday, May 19, 2015

#TakeBackTomorrow: Part 3

So what is this fictional fun all about? Here's what I have been able to piece together.

In 2013 we played a role as recruits in the Optimists society. It seems as though we Optimists are initiates for Plus Ultra. We proudly accepted our pins that day but then nothing else happened and we went about our daily lives.

Plus Ultra is a secret society that included a bunch of famous minds and strongly admired people such as Nikola Tesla, Amelia Earhart, and Walter Elias Disney. "Wallace" is a supposed member of Plus Ultra who was the Disney cartographer and ran the 2013 recruitment campaign.

With the advanced technology of Tomorrowland the people of Plus Ultra have supposedly abandoned us and decided to keep it for themselves. It's unfair right? They have all the best tech and live these amazing lives. A new movement came about called Stop Plus Ultra. Tomorrow should be for everyone right?


But this is where it gets murky - especially after today's events.

This morning at about 10:30am @StopPlusUltra tweeted the following.
The book listing for Conspiracy Queries had been compromised and now the books are scattered throughout the country in various used book shops.

Ashi notified me of the tweets at around 11am. I high tailed it as fast as I could out of work to Small World Books in Venice, CA. I normally avoid Venice Beach. It's not my cup of tea but for the sake of this I went. Traffic sucked but parking was surprisingly easy. A crazy lady screamed at me as I walked to Ocean Walk. I really hate Venice Beach...

I found the store and asked about Conspiracy Queries. Sadly it had been claimed earlier this morning. I tweeted to Ashi, Jay, James, and "Todd" about my fruitless journey. Thankfully other people in on the game had tweeted their findings.

Apparently the barcode on the book, when scanned, reveals a hidden message.
We're experts at dropped letters from NYLady's obituary!
Taking all of the dropped letters you get this: "FOLD PAGE ONE FIFTY ONE TO ITS CENTER"
A most curious background on these photos huh?

Doing as the instructions say you get this.

Call this number!
So of course I dialed the number. Ashi had already mentioned it to me and I saw it in some tweets.
(305)-85-PLUS U

Dialing the number gives you a voicemail that gives you the a brand new code to put in to the plusultrasociety.com website: ETERNALOPTIMIST

It was time for our final interviews in to the Plus Ultra Society!

Only it wasn't. 

The video spoke of the worry of these Stop Plus Ultra people and asked us if we would share more info with Plus Ultra on these people. I clicked yes and the video switched to a shadowy figure speaking about the end of Stop Plus Ultra. It was time to be our own Optimists. Find our own ways to Tomorrowland.

(For the record I also went back and clicked no and the video message is the same)

People on twitter had already started waving their goodbyes to the game. It's over. It's time to go back to our normal lives. James even asked me about the authenticity of this "Todd Young." The game is over now why is "Todd Young" still at it? Was he really a player in this or someone who was scamming us? 

It was really hard to tell for sure but I feel this is too anticlimactic. It can't just end like this right??

And then Todd tweeted.

The website had updated and it looked like Stop Plus Ultra got to it. This doesn't sound like a peace message to me!

New message in the source code

Stop Plus Ultra put their banner up on Todd's welcome site with an ominous message to think before we act on May 28th.

Todd's hacked welcome site

But there was something more at the bottom. 
If you click on "The Future" it leads to a new message. It was from Plus Ultra.

Plus Ultra message
What is going on?
Did Stop Plus Ultra just pull a wool over our eyes to try and stop us from becoming a part of Plus Ultra? 
Is all of this #PlusYou a part of their propaganda?
Is Todd Young "real" or just someone playing us for a sick joke? Did Stop Plus Ultra infiltrate the video?

Who's side are we supposed to be on?

I asked myself repeatedly this afternoon. I even re-examined my adventure thus far to try and find any holes. I don't know what's going on anymore. 

I do know one thing even if others may think differently. 

This game isn't over yet. 

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