Saturday, May 30, 2015

#TakeBackTomorrow: Part 4

It's been a while since I last posted. I went to FanimeCon and I got sick. Don't ever sleep with the fan on.

The day after Stop Plus Ultra seemingly ended the game they did a podcast which spilled all the beans. 

Nick Tierce is the man behind Stop Plus Ultra and was the one running the ARG.

In the podcast he revealed that people like @bobo_pinky were one of three people that were trying to hijack the game. I have to applaud their effort though. It's not easy doing what they did...

In fact this whole Stop Plus Ultra thing wasn't even really an official Disney thing. This was however done with the blessing of the movie producers.

So that was that. It really was over. 

Ashi, James, Jay, and I were a little deflated. James was right to be suspicious. I did have my own suspicions myself but I was really hoping that it wasn't true. 

It was fun while it lasted. I'm a little disappointed that this game ended the way it did but since it wasn't an official Disney thing then there isn't much that I can say. 

I'm still sad that I had such an exciting story that you guys were following and asking me about only to have it end like this. I wish it could have been better too.

Anyways this is in no ways super depressing! Back to reality! 
I still have yet to see the movie...BT are you listening? 


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