Tuesday, May 19, 2015

#TakeBackTomorrow: Part 2

It was like any other morning. I was a little sleepy because I slept so late the night before.

Still riding the excitement of last night and actually being there I adjusted my TweetDeck so that I could get the latest information about the next clues in our game.

I damn near choked on my scrambled eggs when I saw the tweet. Could this be the next clue?? Soon after the next one popped up.

Barely able to contain myself I quickly shot a message to Ashi. "Did we just get tweeted the next clue?!"

I immediately tried the URL in the first tweet. It didn't work.

The second tweet gave more clues though.
Clue from @bobo_pinky

After some stumbling around and misreading of the GPS coordinates it pointed to the Observatron at Tomorrowland inside Disneyland.

Be there on May 28, 2015. But what time? Who is this "Todd Young" that started messaging us this morning? Clues only started producing more questions. Other people who were aware of this on Twitter were starting to get excited and tried to figure things out.

Eventually we found our way to the website (for some unknown reason written incorrectly on the postcard).
Clicking on the date at which Todd Young got his Tomorrowland pin at Downtown Disney led us to another page and more clues.

Morse code message. Countown. Coordinates.

James from the night before was following along with us and quickly translated the Morse code. 

The countdown was for May 28, 2015 set for 8:00AM. We had our date, time, and place to be at. 

Further clicking resulted in an additional page that hinted to look at the page source.
It contained a welcome message for Todd and two more member numbers for plusultrasociety.com

Clue on next page

Message for Todd Young plus two more codes

Both member numbers contained clues from the initial stages of the game two years ago. Nothing new but nice to see anyways. 

With excitement mounting we made plans to be at the Observatron next Thursday at 8AM. Looks like James was down too. Todd seems a little afraid of what is happening though. 

But what about the rest of the strange postcard? How did it even arrive without the proper address? Why was it postmarked June 8, 1959 only to arrive two weeks ago?

James suggested that we look at wikipedia.org to see what happened on that date. Sure enough there was a little clue there: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_mail

Rocket mail??
Scrolling down to the section about rocket mail in the United States was an image with a familiar looking stamp.

Rocket mail postcard
Same date. Same stamps. Todd's postcard had arrived via rocket. But why at this later date?

Twitter was abuzz with what this could all mean. Rockets? What did this have to do with Tomorrowland? Todd was just as confused as the rest of us. All we have are questions and the encouragement of strangers following our journey to go to the Observatron next week. 

What could be in store for us on that day and the day after in Downtown Disney? 

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