Sunday, November 1, 2015

Tomales Bay Oysters Update

I previously had a post about eating farm fresh oysters at Tomales Bay Oyster Company in Marshall, CA.

Unfortunately they have since had to close their picnicking area this is due to a use permit that was issued to them in 1987. We were able to go on the weekend prior to their October 11, 2015 closure. They have since reopened with limited hours for wholesale retail only.

Oyster noms

According to an article at TBOC's 1987 use permit allowed for a limited retail operation but made no mention of onsite consumption. It seems that this all was brought to light when TBOC was denied a permit to expand their facilities to better accommodate the crowds and cars. This also was a result of Marin County residents complaining (naturally) about traffic and unsafe conditions on Highway 1.

Oyster tanks after harvesting

They're trying to fight it now. I think they are planning to reapply for a picnicking permit but I am rather pessimistic on things like this when it comes to Marin County.


The weekend before the removal of the picnic tables was a long weekend and it was super crowded. We got there early and had a really good time though. I have been converted and I am okay with meat during an oyster picnic. Korean BBQ helps!

Hopefully this will be back for Bay Area residents one day.

Crowds during the last weekend. Lots more people were making do with sitting on rocks

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