Sunday, October 4, 2015

Germany, There and Back Again: LH112 FRA-MUC and First Impressions

For other parts of this journey click below!
Part 1 - Introduction
Part 2 - LAX to FRA
Part 3 - FRA to MUC
Part 4 - BMW Welt and Delivery
Part 5 - First drive and Linderhof Palace
Part 6 - Füssen, Ulm, and Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Part 7 - Speyer Museum and Heidelberg
Part 8 - FRA and the Flight Home

Part 3

At Frankfurt Main airport we went through passport control which was conveniently located right next to our arrival gate.

From there it was quite a trek to our next flight, LH112 to Munich.

Onwards to Munich!
My impression of Frankfurt airport is a massive maze with multiple directions that seem to lead you to the same place - maybe. I was worried because our flight from LA was late and we already had a pretty tight connection so we didn't snap a lot of photos. By all normal estimates we should have missed our flight. I asked a flight attendant on our last flight if we would have time to make it.

"Oh you don't really have to worry. They say it will board at 16:15 but it is usually later than that," she responded. 

I was surprised at that because I was under the impression that Germans love to be on schedule. I figured that she knew more about Lufthansa operations than I did. 

 By following sign after sign we did somehow manage to find our next flight and we weren't late. In fact our flight was delayed which really worked in our favor. It also helped that we didn't have to claim our bags either like they make you do in the US. 

Lufthansa heavy lineup at FRA

Boarding started and thanks to my Star Alliance Gold status we were able to board with the rest of business class. I think people mistake me for a little kid when I am traveling. We politely asked for some space to board and we were given looks of, "Surely you're mistaken." I was wondering in the back of my head what our driver at Munich would think.

I want to speed in an Audi at the airport and tell people to hurry up.

We boarded an A321 and got to turn right in to the economy cabin. Yea the leg room was atrocious but I did okay since I am short. I had a rather tall German businessman next to me. We all got Leibniz mini chocolate crackers which were highly addictive. I stole B's packet while he was asleep for future consumption.

It was a short 45 minute flight and I am amazed that business class was served a tray of food. This is the equivalent to LAX-LAS. Why is it so impossible for American domestic airlines? On the other hand we also did not get drink service at all back in economy. Perhaps that is the trade off. 

Lufthansa 112 Cleared for Takeoff

So a bit of joyful Leibniz snacking (or snoring if you ask B) and some clouds later we were on final approach in to MUC.

Final approach to MUC

Baggage claim took forever and a day. It made LAX seem fast and that's saying a lot. The airport was however a lot more clean and just nice. There were also BMW ads everywhere just to gently inform you that you are at the home of Bayerische Moteren Werke AG.

You in BMW territory now

Customs was a breeze once we got our bags. We went outside and quickly found our driver provided courtesy of BMW. He had a sign with my name on it. Our driver was an older German gentleman who immediately took our bags and walked us to his 5-series just outside the terminal. If he was at all any bit surprised by how young I might look he didn't show it. In reality I'm not at all that young anyways. :P

We were pretty dazed but we got our first taste of the autobahn on the way to our hotel. There was a small section of no speed limit and he really opened it up. But then a speed limit was quickly re-enacted maybe a mile later. Later we would find that this is a pretty common occurrence near the towns. 

First time on autobahn

Along the way our driver described some major tourist spots of Munich and the best biergartens. I could tell he got a bit frustrated with the traffic and asked if he could detour a bit. I think we had arrived during afternoon rush hour.

Our ride at the hotel

Hilton Munich Park is located next to the Englischer Garten (or English Garden) which is a giant park inside the city of Munich. To compare, it is actually larger than New York City's Central Park. Given the location it was really quiet and green when we arrived. Quiet and green is not something you get too often living in a big city. After a long flight it felt really nice to breath the park air. The downside to this location is that you are far from the city center and any underground metro stations but not impossible to walk.

Check in was quick and efficient with a nice upgrade to an executive level room. This meant we could use the executive lounge which came in really handy the next two days. 

After dropping off our bags in the room we went to the lounge to check it out and just to get some bites to each before we went in to the English Garden for our real dinner. 

Afternoon snacks at the Hilton executive lounge

Snacks with wasser mit (sparkling water)

Germans make the best gummy candies.

It was getting dark so we quickly trekked in to the park to find the Chinesischer Turm or Chinese Tower and its beer garden. Unfortunately we got there a little late so things outside were already closed and we ended up eating inside.

Dinner time at the Chinesischer Turm
We ate some pork pies with vegetables and some beer. It was pretty good and decently priced. It was definitely less expensive than any of my meals in Switzerland.

Pork pie dinner


The garden itself was really pretty.

Chinese Tower at English Garden

But it was getting dark and the lighting wasn't very good in the park. We were also pretty tired from our jet lag and therefore didn't have a lot of energy. We decided to turn in early so that we would be refreshed for the next day - a BMW factory tour at the BMW Welt. 

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